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Balloons Over to Bagan

Safe Flight Better Service

We start our flights a few minutes after sunrise. The actual takeoff time is subject to weather condition, permission from air traffic control, local regulations and passenger timeliness. Sunrise is around 6:15 am in October & November, 6:30 am in December, 6:45 am in January, 6:30 am in February, 6:15 am in March and 6:00 am in April.

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What’s the Landing Like?

Ballooning is a unique adventure activity and you may land with the basket upright or it may tip over and/or drag along a bit before coming to rest.It’s all normal and part of the fun. Balloons have always landed this way!Our baskets are specially designed for safety and comfort and our expert pilots will brief you before landing.

Can Family / Friends Watch me Launch?

Of course! You can bring as many people as you like to the launch site so make sure they have their cameras ready.As balloons travel with the wind, for safety reasons we do not recommend family and friends trying to follow the balloon to watch the landing.This task should be left to our experienced crew and retrieval teams.

When Do You Fly?

Our flights are scheduled for the early morning and early evening, seven days a week from March – October. During October we fly once a day due to the limited daylight hours. Some regional variations do apply, so be sure to check in your online account or with our call centre when booking.

What if I’m Nervous with Heights?

Lots of passengers have a few pre-flight nerves, especially those not too fond of heights.Once you’re in the air, the 360 views are more like standing by an open window than flying.Ballooning is serene, peaceful and magical – nothing like other adrenaline-fuelled adventures.

Are There any Age / Height / Weight Restrictions?

Passengers must be age 7 or above and at least 4ft 6inches tall.There is no maxiumum age restriction – we’ve celebrated 100th birthdays with our passengers!Due to weight and space restrictions in the basket, anyone over 20 stone will be required to pay a supplement, as will those over 18 stone and under 6ft tall.

What are Back-Up Sites?

Back-up sites are used if conditions are not suitable at your original launch location.If your flight needs to be moved to a back-up, your pilot will explain this on the flight line and provide details of the exact meeting time and location.You will find details of your back-up sites in your booking confirmation – it’s a good idea to have a rough idea of where these are before making the journey.

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The Newest Hot Air Balloons In Town

The fleets of STT Ballooning are masterpieces of Cameron Balloons, one of the most experienced and reputable balloon manufacturers based in the United Kingdom. All our pilots and technicians are European nationals with the United Kingdom’s professional licenses issued by the Civil Aviation Authority. All ground crews are well-trained with international ballooning operating standards.  The latest modern balloons have spacious compartment baskets, which give passengers feeling of stability and security when floating over Bagan’s breathtaking views.

We launch daily 2 types of flights – Platinum & Classic – over the spectacular sky of Bagan. Platinum flight is privileged with limousine service, toasting champagne after touchdown, and only carries Eight passengers in four separate compartments while Classic flight offers the most comfortable vehicles for pick-up & drop-off, sparkling wine after landing, and is able to board Twelve to Sixteen passengers. Airline standard light breakfast is served to both types of flights.

STT Ballooning is committed to making an enjoyable and memorable experience over the astonishing blue sky of Myanmar’s one of the most beautiful ancient cities.

Many Good Reasons to Fly with STT Ballooning

  • Newest balloons in town
  • Most experienced pilots and dedicated crews
  • Flying from the best launch sites in Bagan-Nyaung U
  • The Flights are Safe & Team STT are Friendly and Professional
  • Pickup & Drop-off by limousine
  • Airline standard light breakfast before take-off
  • Toasting champagne after landing
  • No hidden cost in pricing

Many Good Reasons To Fly With Stt Ballooning

  • Newest balloons in town
  • Most experienced pilots and dedicated crews
  • Flying from the best launch sites in Bagan-Nyaung U
  • The Flights are Safe & Team STT are Friendly and Professional
  • Pickup & Drop-off by limousine
  • Airline standard light breakfast before take-off
  • Toasting champagne after landing
  • No hidden cost in pricing

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Get your Earlybird Ticket with the chance of 10% Off

You may have same services & facilities but cheaper price. Don’t give us that 10% amount of the ticket. Make a charity or use somewhere you might need.

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End of Season Promotion

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from March 3rd to April 10th

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